Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Journal #18

1. What is the significance of the story’s title?

The title of the story “In Another country” is significant because literally, the narrator in the story is actually in another country. But it also goes for the mental state of some of the people, because they are in a different place because of their injuries. With their injury’s, the hurt people now stand out more than other people, and make them outsiders from the rest of society.

2. Which character do you think best represents the “Hemingway hero”? Why?

The Major represents the hero because of his hand. His injury is more significant than the others because not only is he a solider, but he was a professional fencer, which he needs his hand for. Also the Major represents the hero because of the emotional stress that he is coping with because of the sudden death of his wife. He tries his best to put on a strong face and deal with the mental pain, but you can tell that he is dying on the inside.

3. What can you infer about the photographs the doctor hangs up? What is the significance of the major’s reaction?

The photographs hanging up on the wall were pictures of injured people who were able to rehabilitate their injured body part successfully. When seeing the images, the narrator thought he and others were the first people who used them, and that the pictures of the people are not real because the machines where not actually used in the healing those people, and he is skeptical that the people were actually healed from the machines. The reaction that the major had was looking out the window, and this was significant because it shows that his thoughts are elsewhere. This is significant because it gets back to the idea of being in another country.

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