Friday, May 18, 2012

Journal #21

The Great Gatsby and Some Like It Hot are both two very popular works around the time of the Great Depression and portray the life of the 1920's. Though these book seem to have very different plots, characters, and themes, they are actually more similar when one compares them together. In Some Like It Hot, there are some characters that closely resemble some of the characters in the Great Gatsby. One for example, is the character of Joe. He is a lot like the character of Gatsby because he is trying to be something that he is not to win the women of his dreams. The two characters are also similar in the way that they try to use wealth and money as a way to lure the women in. Other Characters that resemble each other are the characters of Jerry and Tom. These two are very similar in the way they try to hid things from the way Jerry tries to keep the image as him as a women, and the way that Tom cheats on Daisy, but keeps it a complete secret. Other than the characters, other similarities between the two are their themes and plot. Both are people trying to find their way, and both have a hopeless love story about two people trying their hardest to be together, even though the stories end differently.

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