Thursday, February 2, 2012

Journal #14

Journal #14 - E. A. Robinson Poems

“Richard Cory“ (497)

Richard Corys life seems perfect to everyone else in thw world, but it comes with a twist because actually he is very unhappy. At the very end of the poem he kills himself and finally people understand that there were more things going on under the surface then anyone could of guessed. His name is also a way to describe him such as Richard means that he was rich, and Cory means that there was more things going on in the core. This is an example of real vs. ideal because people thought he was an idea person but in reality, he was sad like everyone else.

“Miniver Cheevy” (497)

Miniver Cheevy is a guy who lives in the present, but he does not want to. He wants to live in the past, such as time of knights and dragons. He does not want to wear a suit and go to work like normal people, all he wants is to suit up in a armoured suit like old. His name is a play on words that means “minimum achiever” because he hasn’t done anything with his life. This poem is also an example of real vs. ideal because in the real life, he is borning, has empty meaning, and drinks away his pain. In the Idea world, or fantasy world, he would be happy.

“Mr. Flood’s Party” (498)

Mr. Flood is a very lonely guy. He is having a party that is not really a party at all because it is a party of one. He drinks all by himself, and while he drinks he takes a look at the past. His name Mr. Flood could mean that he floods his body with alcohol. This poem is the last example of real versus ideal because in real life he is very lonely and drunk. In the ideal world he could go back in his past life, just like Miniver Cheevy.

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