Friday, January 27, 2012

Journal #13

Journal #13 – Edgar Lee Masters Epitaphs (p. 502)

1. What object symbolizes George Gray’s life? How is this object representative of him?

The object that reperesents him in the poem is a “boat with a furled sail at rest in the harbor.” This represents him well because with your sail furled, you cannot go anywhere because the wind will not catch the sail. This is much like the life of George Gray because just like the boat is not going anywhere, neither is he. Because his sail is furled he missed out on a whole bunch of life opportunities that he cannot get back. Now that he has lived his life like that, he is telling others to make sure that your sail is open and ready to “catch the winds of desiney” and expirence life for all it has to offer.

2. How was Lucinda Matlock’s life different than George Gray’s? How do you interepret the last line of the poem?

Lucinda life is very different from George’s life is a very different way. In George’s life, he just sat around waiting for something to happen and not ready to sieze the chance when it comes. In contrast, Lucinda lived life to the fullest and did everything that she could to love life. She was always willing to try something new and try anything to be happy. In the end of the peom it says “it takes life to love life.” I take this to mean that you have to expirence things for yourself before you can really love them. If a person just sits around hearing other people’s stories on life, they will not truly love it until they go out and try it for themselves

3. How are “George Gray” and “Lucinda Matlock” examples of realism?

Both of these peoms are excellent examples of realism. They are so because realism is described to be more about the everyday life, and not the extrodenary events that happen. Both of these poems fall untder that category because they both describe the everyday life of two people and how those two people lived.

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