Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Journal #10

Often at the end of a play, Shakespeare’s tragic heroes often have a moment of insight. What is Othello’s insight?

Shakespeare's Insight

Othello, before he ever talked to Iago, lived a good life. He beleived in being pure until marriage,and always trusting your wife, and never hurting her. This all changed when he decided to put Iago into his life. Iago fed him lie after lie, slowly destroying Othello's morals and his good conscience. Because of this, Othell evetunally kills his wife. He later relized what evil he had done, and wanted to show the world he was sorry. He decieds he will kill himself as a penance, but before he goes he gives a speech.Near the end of Othello life he gives a speech on how he wants to be remember and tells what exactly happened that caused the tragedy. During this speech, he gives a great insight on how a person should live their life. He says that he trusted someone whom should not of been trusted, and that he was manipulated. This is a great life lesson in to teaching people that they need to be weary of who they trust. Sometimes the person may seem trustworthy, but in reality, they are not. They are really trying to use that person to do something for themselves. Othello is trying to make the point that people in this world are not looking out for you, and usually, people are just trying to put others down to get on top and to get what they want, or should have had.

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