Thursday, January 5, 2012

Journal #11

Where I lived and What I Lived for

About a man who goes out into the wilderness and tries to live life as simply as possible. The main point about this essay is about not worrying about the little things in life and just trying to live off the necessities.

“To drive life into a corner, and reduce it to lowest terms.”


He sits around and listens to the sound of society and notices that most people involve themselves in activities to enjoy and pass time, but he said if they took the time, they could amuse themselves just y sitting and listening to the sounds of nature.

“I had this advantage, at least in my mode of life over those who were obligated to look abroad for amusement to society and theater.”


In this passage, he was talking about the life of an ant, and it is as hard as life as a human. He says that they and us both grow through the same pain and hardships, and that they fight hard just like we do. In this passage, he compares the battle of the ants to the battle on Bunker Hill in the American Revolution.

“I was myself excited somewhat even as if they had been men. The more you think of it, the less the difference.”

The Pond in Winter

He wakes up in a dream asking himself about what life is all about. When winter comes, Walden watches the fishermen and realizes that they are living simply, just like he is. When the pond freezes over in the winter, he has to chop a hole in the ice to bucket out the water. The main point of this passage is that we have to go out and experience nature for ourselves; we can’t make others do it for us.

“But there was a dawning Nature, in whom all creatures live, looking in at my broad windows with serene and satisfied dace, and no question on her lips.”


With the beginning of spring everything starts to change; the flowers bloom and birds fly. He talks about a wise man, and how he has wisdom he could never imagine, and also talks about that a person should not hold grudges.

“As every season seems best to us in its turns, so the coming in of spring is like the creation of Cosmos out of Chaos and the realization of the Golden age.”

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